Talk Boost KS1
Intervention description
Talk Boost KS1 is a targeted intervention for language delayed children in Reception and Key Stage One, which aims to help them make progress with their language and communication skills. Children who are identified with delayed language attend three Talk Boost KS1 sessions per week in small groups, each lasting 30-40 minutes.
Staffing requirements
Each session is run by a Talk Boost KS1 trained teaching assistant. In addition to this, the teacher runs a weekly whole-class activity and there are activities that can be practised at home.
Professional development/training
Talk Boost KS1 training is delivered by I CAN and intended for reception, year one and year two teachers and teaching assistants (training in pairs of teacher/teaching assistant to reflect the structure of the intervention). The training is a one-day course delivered in school, and aims to give participants the skills and knowledge to understand the rationale behind Talk Boost KS1, identify appropriate children, measure their progress and deliver the intervention successfully. A training session delivered by an I CAN Communication Advisor costs £700 + VAT plus £350 for a Starter Kit set of training materials per training pair (teacher and teaching assistant). Alternatively, Talk Boost KS1 training is also delivered by a regional team of Licensed Tutors – prices for this option vary but usually work out cheaper than the training delivered by an I CAN Communication Advisor. Additional resources, including all of the activities made into games and the objects needed to complete Talk Boost KS1, have been made into a Toolkit costing £175.
Evidence Summary
Talk Boost KS1 has not been included in any systematic reviews into the effectiveness of educational programmes.
Key stages
Targeted groups
See professional development/training