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Talk For Literacy

Limited for Secondary reading
Not evaluated for Secondary writing
UK Evaluated in the UK

Intervention description

Talk For Literacy is a speaking and listening intervention which combines two programmes: the Vocabulary Enrichment Intervention Programme (VEIP) and the Narrative Intervention Programme (NIP). The former aims to teach children new words and to encourage the use of these words in speaking and writing. The latter aims to enhance the understanding and expression of narratives to develop speaking and listening skills. The dual intervention is used with pupils who need extra support to improve their literacy (either not having reached Level 4 at Key Stage 2 or considered ‘vulnerable’ Level 4 readers). The aim is to enhance pupils’ literacy by improving their vocabulary and narrative skills.

Evidence Summary

The Education Endowment Foundation recently ran a project investigating the effectiveness of Talk For Literacy, which found that the intervention had had a moderate impact on overall reading ability but this was not statistically significant (although was on the border of being so).

The study found a mean effect size of +0.20 for secondary reading.

Limited for Secondary reading
No. of studies 1
No. of students 213
Average effect size +0.20

Key research

Key stages

  • Key Stage 3

Targeted groups

  • Speech, language and communication needs


£29 per pupil per year

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