Talking Across The Curriculum
Intervention description
Talking Across The Curriculum is a whole class cross-curricular support programme for speaking and listening. It aims to help primary practitioners to plan effectively for speaking and listening, taking into consideration both language functions and structures to develop children’s oracy and understanding in all curricular areas. Talking Across The Curriculum is delivered by primary practitioners, and can be used within each teaching session to practice and rehearse concepts and target vocabulary, using a variety of language functions and different groupings. Ongoing assessments are used to monitor daily progress and inform future planning.
Professional development/training
Talking Across The Curriculum is delivered by Education Works, and training is provided by Clare Reed, who creates a bespoke training package depending on the needs of each setting. Training aims to help teachers develop speaking and listening through a creative approach to the curriculum, link planning and teaching to the expectations of the Primary National Curriculum, and develop a whole school awareness of the importance of talk. Participants also receive the Talkit Resource Pack and accompanying CD, which includes over 100 strategies and ideas to get children talking, listening and working collaboratively. Each activity is clearly described, including how to differentiate, how it could be used across the curriculum, which skills children will use and develop through working with the activity and links to similar activities.
Evidence Summary
Talking Across The Curriculum has not been included in any systematic reviews into the effectiveness of educational programmes.
Education Works
Key stages
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