Intervention details

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No impact for Secondary reading
No impact for Secondary writing

Intervention description

TEEP (Teacher Effectiveness Enhancement Programme) is a programme which aims to improve the effectiveness of teaching and learning behaviours in KS2 and above. It was set up in 2002 by the Gatsby Charity Foundation to develop a model of effective teaching and learning drawn from research and best practice. The programme is based on a model which incorporates five main elements: assessment for learning, effective use of ICT, thinking for learning, accelerated learning and collaborative learning. This model was developed originally for training of STEM subjects but has been expanded for use by teachers of every curriculum subject and across all sectors of education.

Professional development/training

Since 2010, the SSAT have been the custodians of TEEP. The SSAT provides a range of training options, including whole-school training, training specific to student teachers or NQTs, training specific for leadership or subject co-ordinators, and training specific to teachers of vocational subjects at KS4 and above. Typically, a full training course will last 3-5 days, after which attendees will be able to join the TEEP Associates Scheme, which gives them access to a range of information and resources for implementing TEEP in their teaching.

Evidence Summary

The Education Endowment Foundation recently ran a project investigating the effectiveness of TEEP, which gave insufficient indication of positive effects of the intervention on either English or maths at secondary level.

The study found a mean effect size of -0.04 for secondary reading, -0.04 for secondary writing and -0.02 for secondary maths.

No impact for Secondary reading
No. of studies 1
No. of students 10,893
Average effect size -0.04
No impact for Secondary writing
No. of studies 1
No. of students 10,893
Average effect size -0.04
No impact for Secondary maths
No. of studies 1
No. of students 10,893
Average effect size -0.02

Key research

The evaluation of the TEEP programme showed no effect on GCSE English or maths scores in the low-performing schools that participated in the trial, nor did it have an impact for students eligible for free school meals, for either gender, or for students of different ability levels.

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