Intervention details

Home > Search results > Thrive


Not evaluated for Primary social and emotional
Not evaluated for Secondary social and emotional

Intervention description

Thrive is an approach to working with all children that aims to help develop their social and emotional well-being, enabling them to engage with life and learning. It comprises two main elements: the Thrive-Online assessment and planning tool, and training and mentoring for school staff.

Thrive supports individual assessment of emotional and social skills based on observed behaviours and baseline skills, as well as whole class screening. Each child’s needs and the strategies to address them are set out in individual, targeted action plans, which may be implemented over a number of weeks, or several years depending on the child’s needs. Teachers can screen groups of children against age-related expectations, and recommendations on environmental changes, classroom organisation and curriculum strategies will be given to address the learning needs identified.

Professional development/training

Schools looking to implement Thrive are advised to train at least one (or two for larger schools) staff member as a Licensed Practitioner, by sending them on the 10-day professional training programme. Once trained, Licensed Practitioners use the online tool to guide their work 1:1, in small groups and in class with children to put the personally designed action plans into place.


Thrive-Online is a web-based intervention

Evidence Summary

Thrive has not been included in any systematic reviews into the effectiveness of educational interventions.

Key stages

  • Early Years
  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2
  • Key Stage 3
  • Key Stage 4
  • Post 16


£1525 plus VAT per delegate for 10-day training (and software licence for Thrive-Online)

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