Apple's Friends
Intervention description
Apple’s Friends is an intervention designed to improve children’s coping and social skills. It is aimed at class teachers of children in Years 3 and 4, and is intended to build on what has been taught in Zippy’s Friends in Years 1 and 2. The activities in Apple’s Friends give children the chance to practise and develop effective coping and social skills. As in Zippy’s Friends, there are role-play, drawing and discussion activities and games, and stories featuring the same characters. However, in Apple’s Friends sessions, children have to contribute more of their own ideas, and the class decides how each story ends.
The programme is divided into six modules and usually runs for 24 weeks, with one 45-minute session per week. The sessions cover themes such as feelings, communication, friendship, solving problems, changes, and moving forward. Apple’s Friends is provided by the independent charity Partnership For Children, who also provide the partner programme for KS1, Zippy’s Friends. While the two interventions take a similar approach, children do not need to do Zippy’s Friends before doing Apple’s Friends – it is an independent programme.
Professional development/training
In each country where the programme runs, Partnership For Children licence a local partner organisation to be responsible for recruiting schools and training teachers.
Materials on a DVD, CD and paper based.
Evidence Summary
Apple's Friends has not been included in any systematic reviews into the effectiveness of educational programmes.
Partnership for Children
Key stages
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