Intervention description
Beanstalk is a charity which runs a scheme to train and support volunteers to work in primary schools with children who have fallen behind with their reading. The volunteers work one-to-one with the children, for two 30-minute sessions a week for a year, with the aim of improving their reading levels and increasing their enjoyment of reading. Each reading helper works with three children to provide around 30 to 35 hours of support.
Staffing requirements
Beanstalk provides the volunteers.
Professional development/training
8 hours of training are provided for the reading helpers before they start and further development training in areas such as dyslexia awareness and phonics, as well as ensuring that helpers have appropriate resources.
Evidence Summary
Beanstalk has not been included in any systematic reviews into the effectiveness of educational programmes.
Key stages
Targeted groups
£525 per reading helper per year