Intervention details

Home > Search results > Edison Schools

Edison Schools

Not evaluated for Primary reading
Not evaluated for Secondary reading

Intervention description

Edison Schools is a for-profit education service provider that was created to raise pupil achievement through research-based school design, management services, and professional development. Edison is a US programme that is also available in the UK. Edison seeks to establish schools where all pupils can receive a high-quality education, and reach high academic standards in a full range of subjects but particularly in literacy and maths. Edison also stresses character development. There is a curriculum for all core content areas, with increased time for core academic subjects through extended school days and dedicated instructional blocks, and designing benchmark assessments. Edison Schools also focuses on professional development, relationships with parents and the community, and integrating technology.

Professional development/training

Advisers work alongside school staff.

Evidence Summary

Edison Schools has not been included in any systematic reviews into the effectiveness of educational programmes.

Key stages

  • Early Years
  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2
  • Key Stage 3
  • Key Stage 4
  • Post 16


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