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English In A Flash

Not evaluated for Primary reading
Not evaluated for Secondary reading

Intervention description

English In A Flash is a web-based intervention which aims to improve the vocabulary, comprehension and phonemic awareness of learners of English as an additional language and struggling students. The intervention, provided by Renaissance Learning and accessible online through their Renaissance Place, is generally used by students for around 15 minutes per day.

Students learn content-area vocabulary relating to language, arts, maths, biology, chemistry, history and other subjects, as well as conversational vocabulary to help them communicate effectively with classmates and teachers. Students then learn grammatical structures: words they have learned are combined into short phrases, sentences and dialogues. The intervention determines students’ vocabulary knowledge so that instruction is differentiated for each student. Several reports provide information to aid progress monitoring. The progress of each individual student is recorded on a Student Record Report, which records the words, phrases and dialogue learned. A Class Progress report provides an overview of current work and shows how the class are progressing. A Parent Report facilitates parental involvement in their child’s vocabulary progress.

Teachers can make use of practice including printable flash cards, and can use the free online AR BookFinder tool to locate books at students’ appropriate vocabulary levels. English in a Flash incorporates listening, speaking, reading and writing activities to reinforce the use of vocabulary and grammatical structures after they are introduced.


A web based intervention accessible through the provider's Renaissance Place

Evidence Summary

English In A Flash has not been included in any systematic reviews into the effectiveness of educational programmes.

Key stages

  • Early Years
  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2
  • Key Stage 3
  • Key Stage 4
  • Post 16

Targeted groups

  • EAL pupils


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