Hi Five
Intervention description
Hi Five is a programme designed to develop independent reading and writing strategies for children in Years 5 to 7 working at a low Level 2. It aims to provide an opportunity for children to work at their own level on the text types used in whole class teaching. Children taking part in Hi Five should develop independent reading and writing strategies ready for KS3, learn to edit as a natural part of the writing process, and develop a range of strategies for learning words. Each session lasts 25 minutes for a group of 1-4 children.
The programme lasts between 10 and 20 weeks.
Staffing requirements
Four lessons are delivered weekly, with the recommendation being that a teacher delivers one session and a teaching assistant delivers three.
Professional development/training
Hi Five is provided by the Fischer Family Trust, and a range of training options are available. Individual schools can request training for all Key Stage 2 staff, or schools in a cluster can join together to request training. The training for teachers and teaching assistants on Hi Five is a 2 day course which introduces the lesson structure, gives opportunities to practice the strategies and approaches and gives a background to the teaching of reading and writing. All teaching assistants running the programme will need to purchase a file with CD of resources. The file and CD are only sold with the training.
Evidence Summary
Hi Five has not been included in any systematic reviews into the effectiveness of educational programmes.
Fischer Family Trust
Key stages
Targeted groups
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