Intervention details

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Jolly Music

Not evaluated for Primary reading
Not evaluated for Primary maths

Intervention description

Jolly Music is a structured programme for teaching music skills to children. All the teaching is done through singing, which enables children to develop these skills without having to learn how to play an instrument. The programme is based on the principles of Hungarian composer and music educator Zoltán Kodály. The programme uses a repertoire based on playground rhymes and songs to teach children how to recognise musical elements such as pulse, rhythm, pitch, loudness and speed. Key skills which the singing lessons aim to teach include listening, singing in tune, inner hearing, and ultimately reading and writing music.

Staffing requirements

Jolly Music has been developed so that any teacher can deliver the intervention without being a music specialist.

Professional development/training

An online training course is available, a minimum of 20 hours learning. Training is also available from experienced Jolly Music teachers, who are accredited by Jolly Learning but work independently.

Evidence Summary

Jolly Music has not been included in any systematic reviews into the effectiveness of educational programmes.

Key stages

  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2


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