Maths - No Problem!
Intervention description
Maths – No Problem! is an intervention for children in Key Stage 1 and 2 which focuses on teaching maths for mastery. Based on the Singapore maths method, the intervention is designed so that the whole class moves through topics at broadly the same pace. Each topic is studied in depth and the teacher does not move to the next stage until all children demonstrate a secure understanding of the mathematical concepts. Lessons are designed to be taught using problem-solving approaches to encourage pupils’ higher-level thinking. Pupils learn new concepts initially using concrete examples or manipulatives such as counters, then progress to drawing pictorial representations before finally using more abstract symbols.
Pupils work in groups from textbooks which provide activities to explore together, then use their workbooks to practise methods and apply concepts independently, and finally use a maths journal to show their understanding of the concepts they have learnt. Twice yearly tests which follow the format of SATs papers assess pupils’ mathematical fluency, reasoning and problem-solving skills. Schools can purchase teaching materials for Maths – No Problem! individually, or order a discounted book bundle.
Professional development/training
A Teacher Portal contains step-by-step teacher guides on how to conduct each lesson and a library of Singapore Maths training videos. The videos cover the core principles, practices and pedagogy to teach maths for mastery. There are regular one-day training events across the UK, or schools can arrange INSET training (either introductory or follow-up) for half-day or full-day sessions.
Evidence Summary
Maths - No Problem! has not been included in any systematic reviews into the effectiveness of educational programmes.
Maths - No Problem!
Key stages
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