Intervention details

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Maths Makes Sense

Not evaluated for Primary maths

Intervention description

Maths Makes Sense is a programme for primary schools disseminated by Oxford University Press. Originally developed by Richard Dunne, the programme aims to make maths understandable by using concrete objects, exaggerated physical actions and a special vocabulary for mathematical symbols. The cycle of teaching includes whole-class teacher instruction, guided practice in groups, partner teaching in matched ability pairs, and assessment. Resources are sold individually and include a toolkit, teacher’s guide, co-ordinator’s handbook, software, progress books for pupils, and supporting DVDs.

Professional development/training

Additionally, three types of training can be purchased: whole school training, which costs £2500 for four days of in-school training, central training suitable for individual teachers costing £230+VAT per person, and leadership and management training at £140+VAT per person.

Evidence Summary

Maths Makes Sense has not been included in any systematic reviews into the effectiveness of educational programmes.

Key stages

  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2


Resources sold individually through OUP website, plus training

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