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MindPlay Virtual Reading Coach

Limited for Primary reading
Not evaluated for Secondary reading

Intervention description

MindPlay Virtual Reading Coach (previously called My Reading Coach) is software designed to help primary school pupils learn to read. It focuses on phonics, word structure, vocabulary, and comprehension. The software is used daily for 45 minutes, and includes a virtual reading coach who helps pupils with the materials.

The intervention analyses each pupil's strengths and weaknesses. It then builds a unique syllabus for each pupil, and provides differentiated instruction and mastery-based activities. The activities help pupils stay focused and accelerate their progress. The intervention first develops proficiency in phonological awareness and phonics skills, as needed. Pupils are then also assigned lessons in vocabulary, grammar, silent reading fluency and comprehension.


The intervention is compatible with Android devices, iOS and Windows.

Evidence Summary

A 2006 study, Vaughan et al, showed My Reading Coach as having a positive impact on comprehension and vocabulary. The study found a mean effect size of +0.24 for primary reading.

Limited for Primary reading
No. of studies 1
No. of students 284
Average effect size +0.24

Key research

The Best Evidence Encyclopaedia (2009) rated My Reading Coach as having limited evidence of effectiveness for primary reading.

Key stages

  • Early Years
  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2
  • Key Stage 3
  • Key Stage 4
  • Post 16

Targeted groups

  • Struggling readers


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