Intervention details

Home > Search results > 1stClass@Writing


Not evaluated for Primary writing

Intervention description

1stClass@Writing is a writing intervention targeted at pupils in Years 3 to 5 who have fallen behind at writing.

1stClass@Writing develops the key skills of spelling, handwriting, grammar and punctuation in order to complete daily writing tasks relating to the adventure stories. Children develop their composition and editing skills through a balance of supported 'one-liner's as well as sustained, independent writing.

Staffing requirements

Delivered by teaching assistants to small groups of 4 pupils, 4 times a week.

Professional development/training

The Every Child Counts partnership runs the intervention, and offers participating teaching assistants three days of training in the first term and two follow-up sessions. Delivery can begin after the first day of training. Training then runs alongside the implementation of the intervention.

Evidence Summary

1stClass@Writing has not been included in any systematic reviews into the effectiveness of educational programmes.

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