New Heinemann Maths
Intervention description
New Heinemann Maths is a mathematics programme for primary schools. The resources included in the programme include pupil activity books for KS1 pupils to work in, and textbooks for KS2 pupils. There are also Extension Textbooks available for KS2 pupils who require more challenging tasks, and pupil activity software which allows ICT to be covered in maths lessons. In addition, there is a teaching file including lesson ideas, plus a planning guide and CD-ROM planning software which allows teachers to edit and save their lesson plans.
Evidence Summary
The Best Evidence Encyclopaedia (2009) judged that there were no studies into the effectiveness of Heinemann Maths which met its criteria for inclusion.
Key research
New Heinemann Maths is included in this Best Evidence Encyclopaedia review of Effective Programmes for Primary Mathematics, no studies of the intervention qualified for inclusion.
Key stages
Resources sold individually on Pearson website