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Oxford Owl

Not evaluated for Primary reading
Not evaluated for Secondary reading

Intervention description

Oxford Owl is a school improvement scheme which combines a set of tools, resources and online content to help schools implement change. Schools select a relevant school improvement Pathway which consists of a systematic four-step process for whole-school change. The steps are: Audit, which helps schools to analyse current practice and highlight areas for change; Strategic Planning, a toolkit enabling schools to decide on a set of actions and delegate responsibilities in response to the Audit stage; Take Action, which outlines the tasks needed to ensure successful implementation of the school’s plan (such as training requirements or communication strategies); and Evaluate Impact, which assists with the evaluation of the effectiveness of changes and identifies next steps. A wide-ranging collection of eBooks is also included in Oxford Owl, searchable by age, genre, series and book band.

Professional development/training

The scheme also includes professional development resources such as expert advice, best practice videos, reports, case studies and links to face-to-face training. Additionally, it includes tools for use with planning, assessment and teaching, and resources which can be used to support other Oxford University Press programmes.


Web-based intervention

Evidence Summary

Oxford Owl has not been included in any systematic reviews into the effectiveness of educational programmes.

Key stages

  • Early Years
  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2
  • Key Stage 3
  • Key Stage 4


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