Intervention details

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Positive Action

Not evaluated for Primary social and emotional
Not evaluated for Secondary social and emotional

Intervention description

Positive Action is a school-wide programme designed to develop positive attitudes and behaviour, peer relationships and engagement in learning. The curriculum consists of 140 lessons per year group, delivered in 15–20 minute activities 2–3 times a week by the classroom teachers. It consists of six main topic areas: self-concept (the relationship between thoughts and actions), healthy behaviours (physical activity, nutrition), managing oneself responsibly (time management and self-control), getting along with others (empathy, altruism, respect, teamwork), being honest with yourself and others (integrity, self-appraisal), and continuous self-improvement (goal setting, problem solving, courage to try new things, persistence).

Schools can purchase a kit for each year group, containing all the materials needed for each lesson. Positive Action has also developed supplementary kits covering drug education and bullying, which are intended to complement the main kits.

Professional development/training

Online training and self-training kits for each school level are also available to order, which include materials for leadership and instructor training sessions.

Evidence Summary

The Education Endowment Foundation are currently running a project investigating the effectiveness of Positive Action.

Key research

The Education Endowment Foundation evaluation should be available in summer 2018

Key stages

  • Early Years
  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2
  • Key Stage 3
  • Key Stage 4
  • Post 16


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