Intervention details

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Rapid Phonics

No impact for Secondary reading
Not evaluated for Primary reading

Intervention description

Rapid Phonics is a phonics catch-up programme aimed at Years 1 to 6, and is disseminated by Pearson. The intervention includes age appropriate books, snappy lessons to reinforce the basics of phonics in small steps and interactive activities designed to build confidence and fluency.


Pearson offer online and face-to-face professional development courses to support the intervention.

Evidence Summary

The Education Endowment Foundation recently ran a project investigating the effectiveness of Rapid Phonics, which did not show it to be effective. The study found a mean effect size of -0.05 for secondary reading.

No impact for Secondary reading
No. of studies 1
No. of students 178
Average effect size -0.05

Key research

The Education Endowment Foundation study did not evaluate the impact on primary reading comprehension.

Key stages

  • Key Stage 1
  • Key Stage 2

Targeted groups

  • Struggling readers


Resources sold individually on Pearson website

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