Intervention description
SHARE stands for ‘Sexual Health And Relationships - Safe, Happy And Responsible', and is a teacher-delivered school sex education programme for young people aged 13-15 which aims to improve sexual health. The broad aims of the SHARE programme are to improve the quality of young people's romantic and sexual relationships, reduce the incidence of unsafe sex, and reduce the rate of unwanted pregnancies.
The programme takes a harm reduction approach to young people's sexual relationships. The main emphasis of SHARE is to teach pupils social skills to establish and maintain satisfactory boundaries to their intimate relationships, and to take appropriate precautions if they have sexual intercourse. All the SHARE lessons involve active learning, through small group work, discussions, quizzes, or, in one session, role playing.
Professional development/training
The intervention is comprised of a five-day teacher-training programme plus a 20-session pack for the 3rd year of secondary school (aged 13-14) and 4th year (aged 14-15). The training course is split into three modules, one prior to delivering the pack (two days), one after experiencing delivering the first few sessions (two days), and then a top-up day at the start of the second year.
Evidence Summary
SHARE has not been included in any systematic reviews into the effectiveness of educational programmes.
Health Scotland
Key stages
Teacher pack is free, contact provider for cost of training