Intervention details

Home > Search results > Storycises


Not evaluated for Primary social and emotional

Intervention description

Storycises is a programme designed to improve the motor skills of young children through sessions based on stories and movement. Targeted at 4-5 year olds, it takes the form of daily 10-minute sessions which increase in difficulty as the year progresses. The programme was developed by Wendy Joy and Jane Reynolds, both paediatric physiotherapists at the Bournemouth-based Total Children’s Therapy practice, and aims to combat future difficulties with learning or physical activities by building a strong base of motor skills at an early age.

Resource sets can be purchased which include story books, DVDs to demonstrate how the stories are put into action, and index cards for activities. These sets cost up to £150.

Professional development/training

Training and consultancy is also available from the programme developers, including school INSET sessions and a range of options which can be tailored to the needs of each audience.

Evidence Summary

Storycises has not been included in any systematic reviews into the effectiveness of educational interventions.

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