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IPEELL: Using Self-Regulation To Improve Writing
A structured approach to teaching writing. Uses memorable experiences and an approach called ‘Self-Regulated Strategy Development’ (SRSD) to help struggling writers in Years 6 and 7.
Magic Breakfast
A scheme which provides free healthy breakfast food to schools with a high percentage of Free School Meals eligible pupils.
Changing Mindsets
A family of interventions which seek to improve academic attainment by supporting pupils to develop a growth mindset.
Philosophy for Children
An educational approach which aims to develop children’s critical thinking, reasoning and meta-cognitive skills through philosophical discussion.
1stClass@Number is a writing intervention targeted at pupils in Years 3 to 5 who have fallen behind at writing.
Rapid Writing
A writing programme aimed at SEN and lower-achieving KS2 pupils.
English In A Flash
An intervention which aims to improve the vocabulary, comprehension and phonemic awareness of learners of English as an additional language and struggling students.
Floppy's Phonics
A phonics programme aimed at KS1 including a set of decodable stories at different levels.
CSP Spelling and Language Programme
A structured spelling programme designed for use in the primary school.
Cued Spelling
A paired spelling intervention based on peer tutoring.