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An interactive web-based spelling programme for primary school children.
Language For Learning
A programme to support those working with children with speech, language and communication needs.
Learning Performance
An organisation which runs study skills workshops for students from primary to post-16.
Learning Through REAL Projects
A pedagogical approach that involves students designing, planning, and carrying out an extended project.
Lesson Study
A process in which a group of teachers collaboratively plan, teach and observe lessons.
LILAC (Language In Learning Across the Curriculum)
An intervention that aims to improve the teaching and learning of language skills for EAL pupils.
LIT Programme
A targeted intervention for pupils who begin Year 7 with reading levels of 3c or below.
MindPlay Reading Fluency
A software-based diagnostic reading tool aimed at pupils with basic reading skills.
MindPlay Virtual Reading Coach
A software-based reading programme intended for daily use, with limited evidence of effectiveness for primary reading.
Oracy Curriculum Culture and Assessment Toolkit
A framework for the teaching and assessment of speaking skills.